What is it?

EU-funded projects foster collaboration and learning between partners throughout Europe. Our researchers contribute to many large-scale European projects, cultivating deep expertise and knowledge. This helps us share the newest ideas in learning and technology with our members.

The EU provides extensive funding for many projects and programmes. European partner organisations form a consortium to answer calls for proposals. Several European partner organisations collaborate to complete the projects.

When the project starts, each partner handles an assigned work stream for the project. The projects often attract multi-million euro budgets and take several years to complete. Partners collaborate often, both online and during in-person meetups in partner countries.

Contact our team to apply.

Who can apply? 

EU partners join together to apply for funding. Each partner brings their specific area of expertise to the project.

Each project requires partners from at least two EU countries. Each consortium might include several universities, not-for-profit organisations and companies.

Some non-EU countries may also be eligible for funding. These include Turkey, New Zealand, and Switzerland.

How to apply

Get in touch to let us know if you’d like to partner with us on a competitively-funded EU project.

Get in touch


Approved project costs are covered from 50% to 100% depending on the funding programme, expense and context.

How Learnovate can help

Learnovate has extensive experience collaborating with partners across Europe on EU-funded projects, both leading and contributing to projects in diverse areas related to learning and technology.

<link to EU-funded projects page in Research projects This data should be migrated from the existing site https://www.learnovatecentre.org/eu-funded-projects/>

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Register your interest in funding

Get in touch for more information about Learnovate membership or to find out how to work with our expert team of researchers.

<br /> Check if you can get funding<br />

Ready to apply?

Contact us today to discuss your project or get help with your application. Let’s drive your business growth through innovation.

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