The past year has seen the adoption of remote working and learning on an unprecedented scale. For some organisations this has been an opportunity to experiment with new approaches, new methodologies and new technologies for learning and development.
Project Overview
The past year has seen the adoption of remote working and learning on an unprecedented scale. For some organisations this has been an opportunity to experiment with new approaches, new methodologies and new technologies for learning and development. For others the somewhat enforced digital transformation of their learning has been more about getting the basics right. The global pandemic has served to amplify some of the existing challenges that remote or online learning faces. Can we view this situation as an opportunity to learn and to grow rather than a pain that must simply be endured? A huge opportunity exists to use the shift towards remote working and learning caused by the pandemic to progress thinking and practice in digital environments.
This is a very broad thematic area to investigate and the first job of the Research Working Group will be to identify and refine a more specific research question(s) for the research team at Learnovate to investigate on behalf of the working group. We will utilise our Research Question Workshop process to achieve this in a collaborative and structured way.
As a member of the research working group you will help to direct and shape the research as we move through various stages from initial exploration and desk research, problem validation, solution design and demonstrator development. Along the way you will have the opportunity to actively participate in a range of workshopping activities designed to capture your insights and industry expertise. Participating in a research working group means that you will have early access to the research outputs of the working group as well as the opportunity to better apply the learnings and outputs of the research to address your organisation’s needs.
From our engagements with industry members we have identified the following topics as part of this overarching theme of learning in a rapidly evolving digital environment:
- Support to strategically manage and implement digital transformation(s)
- What tools are available to support instructors and learners in adapting to new practices?
- How to best engage learners?
- A more learner-centred experience?
- Guidance/best practices for rapidly evolving digital learning environments
- What will blended learning look like in the future?
- How past models fit with current and future learning environments
- What role can methodologies and techniques like storytelling, co-creation, etc., play?
- The role of apprenticeships and internships, what do they look like and how can they be supported in a digital/remote environment
- How are advancements in neuroscience of learning being applied into practice?
- Instructional approaches; the importance of facilitation instead of instruction, the quality of instruction and how we train the trainers in the future.
- Authenticity in the classroom and how it is established and facilitated in digital environments?
Working Group Members
- Hibernia College
- Mastercard
- LearnUpon
- Folens
- Enovation