
Exploring Generative AI and the future of Learning Technology

The potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to have a significant impact has been a topic of discussion for many years. Generally, the focus tended to be on the automation of repetitive or manual tasks where a machine could be ‘trained’ to replicate the performance of a human.

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Project Overview

In only a very short space of time generative AI has become a huge talking point, sparking debate in fields ranging from the creative arts to the legal profession. Beyond the discussion, generative AI is already having an impact in the real world. Hollywood script writers are currently on strike, prompted by concerns about how AI might be used to replace them. Meanwhile, legal professionals are already using generative AI tools to help them to prepare legal documents, sometimes not with the best outcomes. We find ourselves in a somewhat unusual situation when it comes to a new technology, it is not often that the creators of a new technology make it freely available. More importantly, that they do so in a way that makes it accessible to practically anybody with an internet connection. The freedom to try out generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, Google Bard, etc. has allowed for an explosion in innovation. Individuals can experiment with using these tools, both for fun and creative purposes as well as for more practical purposes, possibly even in ways and for use cases that the original creators of the technology never even considered.

This innovation and experimentation have started to highlight the potential for generative AI to impact education and learning more generally. As we all scramble to form a better and more informed understanding of the potential of generative AI, both positive and negative, Learnovate have produced a series of short reports. Each report focuses on a specific context or use case and explores the current and future role of generative AI in that context, what is currently happening in that space, what innovations are possible and how we will need to adapt.

If would would like an overview of this report series, take a look at our introductory report provided at the bottom of this page. Alternatively you can jump straight into one of the reports linked here:

Research Outputs

This concept is based on the idea that authentic learning experiences incorporate challenges across multiple different levels.
Exploring Generative AI and the future of Learning Technology Core Research 28 June 2023 Member content

Exploring Generative AI and the Future of Learning Technology – Learnovate Report