
The Role of Teaching and Technology for Effective Education in the Twenty-First Century

Education and EdTech both face complex challenges in their efforts to provide students with a learning experience that is high quality, effective, engaging, and that ultimately prepares them for their role in an ever-changing society. This report discusses the unique expertise and contribution of both teachers and technology that can help ensure education that is grounded in learning-science research.

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Technology, in particular digital technology and the internet, has made its way into schools and the classroom. As this has taken place, scholars and researchers have made bold predictions about how these technologies would revolutionize learning and education, just as the existence of digital technology and the internet has changed the world around us. Many predictions suggested there would no longer be a need for books, and that teachers and schools would be replaced by technology. We know now that these predictions have not been (fully) realized; however, the digitalization of our world and the existence of ever-evolving, ubiquitous technology has impacted learning and education in dramatic ways.

In the report below, which is the product of a thorough review of the literature, we conclude that the important debate happening today is not about which is better—the teacher or the technology—but rather about what the unique contributions have been and what the opportunities are for further developing the best of both worlds. The important question to ask, then, is how can we converge those insights into an approach toward high-quality education at a scale that ensures the sum is greater than its parts?

Education and EdTech both face complex challenges in their efforts to provide students with a learning experience that is high quality, effective, engaging, and that ultimately prepares them for their role in an ever-changing society. This report discusses the unique expertise and contribution of both teachers and technology that can help ensure education that is grounded in learning-science research. It is placed against the backdrop and in the context of bigger changes in our societies and economies that force educators and policy makers to think about how we (re)organize education systems to meet the demands of the twenty-first century, demands that include imparting to students the skills they’ll need to address the societal, economic, and existential challenges they’ll continue to face.

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This concept is based on the idea that authentic learning experiences incorporate challenges across multiple different levels.
Member-to-Member 06 March 2024 Member content

The Role of Teaching and Technology for Effective Education in the Twenty-First Century – OER report