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Our members play a key role in shaping the agenda for Learnovate’s core research programme, supported by Enterprise Ireland.
Through collaboration, members help select and approve critical research topics that drive innovation and impact.
Our research areas are: Accelerated Digital Transformation, Transversal Skills, Personalised Learning, and The Learner in the Future of Work.
Addressing challenges such as remote working and learning, onboarding employees and learners in a remote environment, remote learning, teamwork and collaboration and development of digital transformation roadmaps to support new business models.
Learnovate helps organisations meet emergent business needs by supporting the design and innovation of solutions to develop, motivate and retain talent specifically focusing on 21st century skills. Businesses need adaptable employees with strong transversal skills and superior people skills.
On-demand workplace learning solutions support employees in building competencies during work tasks. Performance support helps accelerate the acquisition and application of skills by providing digital learning tools to workers exactly when they need it in real-time.
Focusing on the needs of the learner in the future. This research pillar seeks to look at the learner as a person and how we can support and look after our learners. It looks at challenges related to skills that future learners need and tools to empower them.
If you have a challenge or opportunity related to learning and technology, we can help.
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When you join as a member, you get to explore our research, access our expertise, connect with our network.