Learnovate Inside Learning Podcasts

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How do we reach our potential in work and life? The Inside Learning podcast explores the science of learning and the future of work with expert guest speakers and research-based insights from The Learnovate Centre. Hosted by author, consultant and coach Aidan McCullen.

Elyse Klaidman

Exploring Xperiential Learning

Elyse shares her extensive background, including her 22-year tenure at Pixar as Creative Director and her pivotal role in forming Pixar University. Elyse also highlights the journey of creating initiatives like Pixar in a Box and emphasizes the significance of integrating creative learning methods in today’s educational systems to equip students for the future. Tune in for insights on the future of education, creativity, and innovation.

Shlomo Ben Hur

Rewrite your Leadership Code

Shlomo Ben-Hur, Professor at IMD Business School and author of ‘Rewriting Your Leadership Code’, reveals how early childhood experiences and traumas shape our behaviours, relationships, and effectiveness as leaders. He discusses the concept of a ‘leadership code’ influenced by our upbringing and offers insights into self-awareness, dealing with stress, and avoiding the pitfalls of creating echo chambers in leadership roles.

Rob C. Wolcott & Kaihan Krippendorf

Proximity: Navigating the Future of Work and Learning

Rob C. Wolcott and Kaihan Krippendorff explore the concept of ‘proximity’, or the capability to deliver anything, anywhere, anytime, driven by advances in digital technology. The discussion addresses the impact of these changes on the future of work, with a focus on creating more adaptive, on-demand solutions and reducing waste.

Friederike Fabritius

The Neuroscience of Learning and the Future of Work

This month we spoke to Friederike Fabritius acclaimed author of ‘The Leading Brain’ and ‘The Brain Friendly Workplace’. Friederike shares insights from her latest book and discusses innovative strategies for optimizing work environments. Tune in to understand how to cultivate a brain-friendly workplace that unleashes everyone’s potential.

Nell Watson

Transforming Society with AI

This episode of the Inside Learning Podcast with Nell Watson, an expert on AI ethics and author of Taming the Machine, delves into recent advancements in AI and their transformative potential for society and economies, emphasizing the need for ethical leadership and responsible AI development.

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Dr. Maureen Dunne

The Neurodiversity Edge

In this episode of we deep dive into the fascinating world of neurodiversity with our special guest, Dr. Maureen Dunne, author of “The Neurodiversity Edge”. In this discussion, Dr. Dunne dissolves common myths associated with neurodivergence, highlighting the enormous value neurodivergent individuals bring to organizations.

Pic of Henrik

Henrik Horn Andersen

Mastering Virtual Facilitation

This episode of the Inside Learning Podcast features an insightful discussion with Henrik Horn Andersen, the author of ‘Virtual Facilitation: Create More Engagement and Impact.’ Henrik has spent the last 18 years working as a management consultant primarily with large change projects supporting a new strategic direction.

Phaedra Boinodiris

Evolving AI Ethics

A fellow with the London-based Royal Society of Arts, Phaedra has focused on inclusion in technology since 1999. She is currently the business transformation leader for IBM’s Responsible AI consulting group and serves on the leadership team of IBM’s Academy of Technology. She is a co-founder of the Future World Alliance, a non-profit dedicated to curating K-12 education in AI ethics.

Nick Shackleton Jones

Revolutionising Learning from Courses to Resources

Nick Shackleton Jones boasts an impressive three-decade track record ofshaping the future of learning approaches for both public and private organisations. He is a winner of multiple awards in people development strategy, innovation, and learning content and the author of the enlightening book ‘How People Learn’. In our conversation, Nick sheds light on the flaws of the present education system, stating that it’s “based on an incorrect understanding of cognition and learning.”

Cali Williams Yost

The Now and Next of Work

It is a pleasure to host the founder of Flex+Strategy Group, author of the 2004 title, “Work + Life: Finding the Fit That’s Right for You” and Tweak It: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day in 2013, Cali Williams Yost to this months episode of Inside Learning. We discuss the research in the latest in a series of Flex+Strategy Group studies that have monitored the national progress of issues related to work-life flexibility from the employee point of view since 2006.

Daniel Malan

Business Integrity and Ethical Challenges

Daniel Malan is the director of the Trinity Corporate Governance Lab and an assistant professor in business ethics in Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. The IntegrityIQ platform will be used to train employees of large corporations in ethical dilemmas through a simulation. The Learnovate Centre will support IntegrityIQ by providing its innovation services team to build the product and manage recruitment and resources.

Antonios Karampelas

Students, AI and Honesty

Students using Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to cheat is a significant concern among educators and educational administrators. For example, a student could use ChatGPT to generate an entire essay and hand it in as theirs. Can AI writing be detected, and is AI writing always undesirable? Our guest Antonios Karampelas is a Science, STEAM, and Artificial Intelligence educator with a PhD in Astrophysics.

Katie Novak

Equitable Supports for Learners

Katie Novak is a Teacher, Educational Consultant, adjunct professor at UPenn (University of Pennsylvania) and a former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts. Her latest book is an invaluable resource for policymakers, university staff, and regional support providers. We welcome the author of “In Support of Students: A Leader’s Guide to Equitable MTSS”, Katie Novak.

Peter Gillis

Motivation for Learning in a Digital World

Peter Gillis is the Innovation Services Lead in Learnovate. Peter is currently developing his research on motivation and learning through the PhD programme at Trinity College Dublin. In this episode he shares insights from his research into learner motivation including self-determination theory, motivation and amotivation, nudging behaviour and much more besides.

Jason Haddock

VR as a Teaching Tool

Jason Haddock is CEO of Sozo Labs, which incorporates VR into education and training. In a wide-ranging discussion, Jason shares how Technology is pushing many aspects of the world to new heights, yet it seems education is being left behind. Traditional learning methods are outdated and uninspiring, and the adverse effects in schools and workplaces are apparent. VR can potentially be a game-changer in modern education.

Marc Ramos

Generative AI in Learning

Cornerstone’s Chief Learning Officer, Marc Ramos has created a 2×2 matrix for how people can think differently about generative AI. The matrix reviews applications for this technology through the lens of both risk and demand. Marc believes that if Language Learning Models (LLMs) can be tailored to train on smaller pools of private corporate knowledge while retaining their conversational spark, much potential will be unlocked.

Dr. Joanne Banks

Blended Learning in Schools – A Universal Design Approach

By understanding student variability and identifying the barriers to learning as students navigate the education system, we can inform ways to create more inclusive learning environments for all. Dr. Joanne Banks discusses the history of special education in Ireland and shares highlights of the Blended Learning in Schools: A Universal Design Approach (Erasmus+ UDL-BOE project).

Anthonie Wurth

Nudging New Behaviours

Anthonie Wurth is a former Olympic Judo champion who harnessed his knowledge of behaviour skills when he moved into learning and behaviour change.. He founded and sold the company Mindmarker and is now the founder of mynewbehavior.com. Anthonie is the author of “Training Reinforcement: The 7 Principles to Create Measurable Behavior Change and Make Learning Stick”.

Janet Benson

Rethinking Remote Onboarding

Janet is a Senior Corporate Learning Researcher in Learnovate. She brings over 15 years of industry experience to Learnovate. She has worked in Learning & Development with the Coca-Cola Company and Abbott Diagnostics Division, as well as implementing a number of innovative learning solutions as Education Manager with Lionbridge Technologies. She has been researching remote onboarding extensively since the pandemic.

Rosan Bosch

Play to Learn – Designing for Uncertainty

Rosan Bosch Rosan is the founder and Creative Director at Rosan Bosch Studio, designing state-of-the-art learning landscapes built for wonder, motivation and creativity. Rosan Bosch Studio is renowned globally for integrating innovative learning experiences in physical design and looks to the environment’s role in promoting better education through playful learning experiences  – preparing children to become agile, creative thinkers in an unknown future.

Dr. Helena Boschi

Encouraging creativity in the workplace

Dr Helena Boschi is the author of “Why We Do What We Do: Understanding our brain to get the best out of ourselves and others”. Helena brings the fascinating world of brain science to the business context. In this episode she shares her thoughts on divergent and convergent thinking and encouraging creativity in the workplace.

We are also joined by Learning Lead and Senior Researcher Janet Benson and Corporate Learning Researcher, Ilse White both of Learnovate.

Dr. Nigel Paine

Is learning in organisations the same as organisational learning?

Nigel Paine is a change-focused leader with a worldwide reputation and a unique grasp of media, learning and development in the public, private and academic sectors. He is also a Patron Member of Learnovate. In this episode he joins us to explore the question: Is Learning in Organizations the same as Organizational Learning?

Joined by Head of Membership Services, Dave Farrelly who manages the relationship with Learnovate members and facilitates successful industry engagement with research.

Phylis Fagell

How to navigate the transition from childhood to adolescence

Though the transition from childhood to adolescence can be tough for kids, this time of rapid physical, intellectual, moral, social, and emotional change is a unique opportunity to proactively build character and confidence. Phyllis Fagell, clinical counsellor, journalist and author provides practical advice on navigating this stage of life.

Featuring guest contributor Cormac Noonan of Wolf Academy who inspire and empower young people to live happier and healthier lives.

Art Markman

Smart Thinking: How to think big, innovate and outperform your rivals

“Smart Thinking: How to Think Big, Innovate and Outperform Your Rivals” is the subject this months episode with Art Markman a Professor of Psychology and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin and Founding Director of the Program in the Human Dimensions of Organizations, he is also the author of multiple books.

Featuring guest contributor Mary Kelly, Academic Dean of Hibernia College responsible for the strategic direction of research initiatives and innovation in academic development.

Jayshree Seth & Prof. Linda Doyle

Pioneering people in the world of science

Jayshree Seth was appointed first Chief Science Advocate at 3M using her scientific knowledge, technical expertise, and professional experience to advance science and communicate the importance and benefits of science in everyday life. She is the author of: “The Heart of Science: Engineering Footprints, Fingerprints, & Imprints” and “The Heart of Science: Engineering Fine Print”

Featuring guest contributor Provost Linda Doyle, Trinity College Dublin.

Nadav Zeimer

How students become co-creators of content

Nadav Zeimer, author of “Education in the Digital Age: How We Get There” discusses how students can become co-creators of their own curriculum, where the teacher moves from a sage on a stage to a mentor or a Sherpa.

Featuring guest contributor Peter Baxter of Createschool.

Annie Auerbach

Annie Auerbach

What is Flex?

Flex is a manifesto for living and working on your terms. It means looking at the established, rigid ways of doing things and asking: ‘Is this really working for me?’ If the answer to that question is ‘NO’ then this episode is for you.

Learnovate Contributor Linda Waters, Senior Business Manager

Elliot Aronson

The Inception of The Jigsaw Method

Listen to the emotional story of Elliot Aronson’s childhood which influenced this creation of the Jigsaw Classroom. He tells us why he strove to help develop empathy and cooperation in children in school to continue throughout their work and life.

Learnovate Contributor Pablo Alvarez Castro, Senior Researcher

Michael B. Horn

How do we address the growing skills gap?

Expert on the future of education Michael B. Horn delves into a a problem that is systemic across the world, how do we address the growing skills gap? Looking at both the role of industry and third level, this podcast is relevant to a very wide audience with practical guidance.

Learnovate Contributor Ilse White, Corporate Learning Researcher

Robin Rosenberg

How VR can help us to “walk in their shoes”

We speak to CEO and Founder of “Live in Their World”, an organisation that demonstrates how Virtual Reality can help immersive training so that participants can not only “walk in the shoes of others” but, “walk in their skin”. 

Learnovate Contributor Bilal Ahmad, Technology Lead

Natalie Nixon

How to build your creative confidence

This episode explores how to change lives through ideas and build creative confidence to amplify effectiveness and impact. Amongst her theories Natalie encourages taking time during our working day to daydream which leads to wonder!

Learnovate Contributor Frank O’Reilly, Corporate Learning Expert

Barry O’Reilly

The Cycle of Unlearning

Barry shares how the Cycle of Unlearning is a new way of thinking and a new way of leading organisations in every industry. It’s not difficult to learn more. What is difficult is to know what to unlearn, what to keep, and what to throw away.

Learnovate Contributor Pablo Alvarez, Senior Researcher

Barbara Oakley

Educating the Educators on the Neuroscience of Learning

This episode explores we have made huge strides in the neuroscience of learning, but often these breakthroughs do not filter down to the way teachers teach. Other topics include diverse friendly learning environments, keeping students engaged in a virtual learning environment, and a small lesson on the neuroscience of learning!

Learnovate Contributor Peter Gillis, Innovation Services Team

Ian Gibbs

4×4 Learning

Have you ever been frustrated to discover you couldn’t remember something you read just the day before? Have you ever thought you understood a new idea but then found it difficult to put that idea into words? Have you ever given up on trying to learn a new skill because when you tried to apply it, the result was an abysmal failure? If your answer to any of these is “YES”, you’re in the right place.

Learnovate Contributor Janet Benson, Researcher and Adult Learning Expert

Michelle Weise

The Future of Workers

In the conversation around the future of work we neglect to look at the wraparound supports needed to promote persistence and completion of education and training programmes including counselling, mental health services and financial support. Michelle focuses on the “future of workers” rather than the future of work.

Learnovate Contributor Richard Harte, UX/UI Specialist

Jeff Miller

The Importance of Unlearning to Learn

This episode explores schemas and mental models and the importance of unlearning in order to learn. We discuss how schemas impact bias and how unlearning is an ongoing process rather than a short-term goal. Insights around how to adapt to a new normal as we return to work after working from home are still relevant today.

Dr Ann Devitt

What are threshold concepts?

Ann and Aidan discuss the idea of threshold concepts and how they challenge the way we think about the world. They also delve into the world of experiential learning and explore ideas on the expertise trap, innovation and immersive learning using Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality.

Edward D. Hess

How to manage the smart machine age

We are on the leading edge of a Smart Machine Age led by artificial intelligence that will be as transformative for us as the Industrial Revolution was for our ancestors. Smart machines will take over millions of jobs. Not only can they know more data and analyze it faster than any mere human, but smart machines are free of the emotional, psychological, and cultural baggage that so often mars human thinking. To stay relevant, we have to play a different game. Our guest offers us that game plan.