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The programme will fund the development of innovations at all stages of the commercial pipeline to the point where they can be commercialised as new products, services and companies.
Commercialisation Fund Project Support is available for projects that address a gap or need in the market by developing innovations that will ideally be ready for licensing to Irish industry or may form the basis of a new start-up in 2-5 years. It is recognised however that some innovations may need a longer time to get to market than others.
Funding is also available in the form of a Commercial Case Feasibility Grant to investigate, scope and develop a commercial case for your innovation in advance of submitting a Commercialisation Fund support application to the programme.
Researchers in third-level institutions and non-profit research agencies and organisations in the Republic of Ireland are eligible to apply.
Proposals with costs typically ranging from €80,000 to €350,000 from all disciplines in the field of science and engineering will be accepted. Proposals with costs outside this range will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
To find out if you’re eligible and explore the viability of commercialising your product, contact Tom Pollock at tom.pollock@learnovatecentre.org