Join us in this exciting showcase event in Trinity College Dublin where we’ll be exploring and discussing all things UDL, including best practices on how to implement UDL in the classroom. We will have speakers from the School of Education (TCD), Trinity Access Programmes and teachers from St Joseph’s Secondary School, Co Dublin. We will be exploring:
- What is UDL? Universal Design for Learning unboxed.
- Why UDL? Addressing the barriers your students face in the classroom.
- How? Making it work in the classroom. Teachers from St Joseph’s Secondary School talk about their experience of UDL in their classes.
- Help is at Hand. UDL-BOE support tool to help you UDL your classroom and expert clinics to answer all your questions.
Registration/Tea/coffee/pastries will be available from 1.00pm.
Event begins 1:30 pm sharp.
Drinks and Buffet Networking at 3.30pm
If you have access requirements (i.e., ISL Interpreter or other), please contact info@udl-boe.eu.