Taken from Eventbrite:
The annual Léargas Gathering is back! In line with previous participants’ feedback, our flagship event will take place earlier in the year, on 27 April 2023.
Our 2023 theme will be Skills for Life to mark the European Year of Skills. One of the year’s aims includes creating a fresh focus on lifelong learning, while promoting the mindset of skills development, reskilling, upskilling.
The Léargas Gathering will showcase examples of how European Programmes, like Erasmus+, the European Solidarity Corps, e-Twinning, EPALE and Youth Wiki, help participants to gain skills. These skills can cross all aspects of life, be they for employability, enjoyment or enrichment.
The event is an ideal opportunity to find out how you / your organisation can participate in Erasmus+ and other European programmes. Panel speakers will discuss their own past experiences of participating in, or running, European projects, sharing the skills gained, their learnings and tips.
We are delighted that this year there will be an address from Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris TD.
Participants can choose from several workshops on the day. These workshops will vary from topics relevant for newcomers such as looking at available opportunities, to those for active projects, aiding development of specific project related skills such as dissemination.
Léargas will also launch its exciting skills share video competition. Previous and current programme participants are invited to showcase how they have support the acquisition of new skills through European collaboration. We will release more information on the day.
Speaking about the upcoming event, Lorraine Gilligan, Executive Director of Léargas, explained, “Acquiring new skills never ends, whether it is for personal or professional development and through the programmes we manage, people are gaining confidence and exploring new opportunities.”
There will be a wide spread of organisations present and plenty of networking opportunities. Meet with others from your sector, ask past Erasmus+ participants questions, or speak with Léargas staff about applications or project management.
Who the event is for ?
We welcome established beneficiaries and newcomer organisations alike. The event is for anyone working, or volunteering, in the fields of youth, schools, early education, adult education, vocational education and training, higher education, sport, or volunteering, who are interested in learning more about gaining EU funding.
This year there is a small cover charge, which includes event access, teas, coffees, lunch and refreshments. There are a limited number of free tickets available.
If you or your organisation are not in a position to pay the cover charge, please contact Laura at laustengray@leargas.ie.
Léargas is proud to work with organisations across Ireland. We have arranged the timings of the event to facilitate travelling.
If you / your organisation is having difficulty in covering travel costs to The Léargas Gathering (e.g., from a rural area) please contact Laura at laustengray@leargas.ie and we will try to assist where possible.
We regularly host events outside of Dublin. For information on our regional events please subscribe to our newsletters.
Inclusion is central to what we do at Léargas. The venue is wheelchair accessible, and Audio Loops can be facilitated. If you have any other accessibility needs (for example, if you require sign language interpreter), please let us know by emailing Laura at laustengray@leargas.ie and we would be happy to try to accommodate these needs.