EDEN 2023 Annual Conference in Dublin 18th June

On 18th & 19th June Learnovate researchers Janet Benson & Ilse White, as well as Snr. Business Development Manager Linda Waters attended the EDEN (European Distance and E-learning Network Conference) held this year in St. Patrick’s Campus, DCU.

Link & Learn webinar: A Focus on Learner Engagement & Motivation

In this session we will look at some of the key research completed by the Learnovate team and discuss some of the potential solutions to address the issues. We will also examine the potential effect the latest developments in AI might have on learner engagement as well as motivation. We want you, the audience to share your own theories and predictions in this space and help drive the conversation.
Meet the Patrons Q&A with Head of Public Sector at AWS Mark Finlay

Meet the Patrons Q&A with Head of Public Sector at AWS Mark Finlay

As part of The Learnovate Centre’s Meet the Patrons series, we speak to Mark Finlay who is Head of Public Sector for AWS, a company that provides services in cloud technology solutions in areas including compute, data storage, data analytics, machine learning and security. 

Inside Learning Podcast with Jason Haddock – VR as a Teaching Tool

Jason Haddock is CEO of Sozo Labs, which incorporates VR into education and training. In a wide-ranging discussion, Jason shares how Technology is pushing many aspects of the world to new heights, yet it seems education is being left behind. Traditional learning methods are outdated and uninspiring, and the adverse effects in schools and workplaces are apparent. VR can potentially be a game-changer in modern education.
Learning Signals Survey

New Learning Signals Survey Launched

Learnovate are delighted to launch a new survey 'Learning Signals'. The new annual survey will track the latest practices in K12, corporate and informal learning.