Watch the new Learnovate Centre video

A short video describing the Learnovate Centre and our mission - to enhance the competitive advantage of Ireland’s learning technology industry by partnering business with leading researchers from world class higher education institution…

New Office Space!

  Following a 12 week refurbishment project (delivered on time!), we have now moved into our new office space in Unit 28 of the Trinity Technology and Enterprise Campus. It's a bright, spacious and productive work space with a…

Learnovate Centre welcomes delegates from ADM, Brussels

Yesterday, the Learnovate Centre was pleased to welcome a Belgian delegation of about 30 senior executives from ADM in Brussels at the Science Gallery. ADM is a group of more 150 companies drawn from the Belgian ICT industry. The visit was facilitated…

Thesis in 3

Congratulations to Neil Peirce, Technology Lead at the Centre and researcher at CNGL, who presented his doctoral research, entitled Learning Games Just For You, along with 17 other researchers at last night’s Thesis in 3 event. Staged…

Technology centres come together to discuss challenges in education at European industry event

The Learnovate Centre and the Innovation Value Institute, two centres of excellence in learning within Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland’s Technology Centre Programme, joined forces today, Monday, 1st October 2012 to discuss the challenges…