Harnessing 21st Century Competencies – Lynda Donovan
NewsLearnovate's Lynda Donovan will be speaking this Friday at Learning Technologies on Friday.
If you are not going to be there you can still read about Lynda's insights regarding the benefits and challenges for talent management. Follow the link…
Learnovate Case Study presented at NALA conference
NewsMirjam Neelen from Learnovate presented a Case Study on Technology-enhanced Learning for Community Education to a 200+ audience at the NALA celebration of international literacy that focused on the value that technology brings to learning.
Learnovate @ The National Innovation Showcase
NewsLearnovate along with 37 other research centres will be showcasing on December the 2nd at the Dublin Convention Centre. The national Innovation Showcase is an ideal networking opportunity for companies in Ireland that want to learn more about…