Thought leadership from the Learnovate team in the areas of Technology, Learning Science, Innovation and Product Design

Research Spotlight: ETU Report – Immersive Learning: The Whats, Whys & Hows

In Spring-Summer of 2022, we conducted research into the latest technologies and best practices related to immersive learning. We were commissioned by an immersive simulations company based here in Dublin and in the US – Empower The User Ltd. (ETU), to create the report, titled Immersive Learning: The Whats, Whys & Hows.

Meet the Patrons Q&A with Flexible Learning Manager Ciara NiFhloinn of SOLAS

As part of the Learnovate Centre’s Meet the Patrons series, we speak to Ciara Ní Fhloinn Flexible Learning Manager at SOLAS, a government agency tasked with funding, planning, and coordinating all adult further education and training programmes across Ireland, including apprenticeships, traineeships, upskilling and eCollege.

Inside Learning Podcast with Dr. Nigel Paine – Is learning in organisations the same as organisational learning?

Dr. Nigel Paine is a change-focused leader with a worldwide reputation and a unique grasp of media, learning and development in the public, private and academic sectors. He is also a patron member of the Learnovate Centre. He joins us to explore the question: Is Learning in Organizations the same as Organizational Learning?

Inside Learning Podcast with Phyllis Fagell – How to navigate the transition from childhood to adolescence

This month's guest Phyllis Fagell is a clinical counsellor, school counsellor, journalist and author who, based on her many years working in schools, sees the transition from childhood to adolescence as a critical stage that parents can't afford to ignore. Cormac Noonan of Wolf Academy also talks to us about his passion for helping teenagers to develop resilience and self belief.

Inside Learning Podcast with Art Markman “Smart Thinking: how to think big, innovate and outperform your rivals”

This month's guest on the Inside Learning Podcast Art Markman draws on multiple research disciplines, including psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neuroscience, learning sciences, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and education to discuss his book "Smart Thinking: How to Think Big, Innovate and Outperform Your Rivals".