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Having moved to an entirely online delivery model, the Courts Service engaged the Learnovate Centre to conduct a review of their digital learning content and learner experience to ensure it aligned with best practice.
The Courts Service has responsibility for the administration and management of the courts in the Republic of Ireland. The Learning and Development team in the Courts Service provide both technical and developmental training courses to over one thousand Courts staff.
The Learnovate team has conducted a number of research projects for the Courts Service.
Firstly, as part of the organisation’s move from 100% classroom-based delivery to an 80% digital / 20% classroom model, the Courts Service asked Learnovate to validate the design and development of their digital learning content to ensure it was aligned with best practice.
Secondly, Learnovate examined the Courts Service learning programme from a user experience perspective with the aim of ensuring that it provided the kind of experience necessary to deliver the professional development pathway needed by its staff.
The initial project began with a Service Mapping workshop to take a snapshot of the Courts Service digital learning offering. This mapped the current course delivery in terms of activities and learner experience and assisted in identifying those elements most suitable for ‘digital transformation’ or that could be moved to online delivery.
Subsequently, the Learnovate team conducted interviews and surveys amongst the staff of the Courts Service to gather data on the current learner experience while also capturing areas for potential improvement.
The work carried out for the Courts Service enabled the Learnovate researchers to conduct focused research and provided the foundation to roadmap and pilot the reinvention of the experience and the creation of a new and improved digital learning offering. Learnovate’s findings were presented in the form of research reports analysing each aspect the Courts Service learning programme while, at the same time, offering clear, actionable recommendations.
As a result of their collaboration with Learnovate, the Courts Service were able to validate the overall design of their digital learning content and, by implementing many of Learnovate’s recommendations, greatly improve their learning programme.
According to Richard Kelly, one of the Learning and Development team in the Courts Service: “The work conducted by Learnovate has given us the assurance that we are doing things correctly.”