Past Event | Chatbots for Workplace Learning | Rise & Learn Event

Join us at Huckletree on Thursday, 6 February from 8am to 9.15am for our latest Rise & Learn breakfast event on using chatbots in learning and development.

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Chatbots for Workplace Learning

Organisations are pushing chatbot technology beyond customer service into other areas of the business including Human Resources and Learning & Development. Chatbots are surprisingly easy to develop and provide instant responses to users seeking information, resources or support. Implementing even basic chatbots can reduce costs and increase engagement – freeing up time for busy managers.

Find out more about how chatbots are transforming workplace learning by helping to:

  • Learn anywhere, anytime
  • Enable learning in the workflow
  • Provide interactive personalised learning
  • Automate course delivery including assessment, feedback and support
  • Simplify onboarding processes
  • Identify learning gaps and predict learner’s needs


Our speaker Conor Kostick is the CMO of SnatchBot, a multinational chatbot building platform. He is also founder of the Irish start-up Chatbot Creations and editor of After Conor’s 30-minute talk, he will be joined by a panel to discuss opportunities and experiences of using chatbots in learning.

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Registration is free for Learnovate members, TCD staff and TCD Alumni. Contact for your promotional code.

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Learnovate’s ‘Rise & Learn’ Event Series

Our ‘Rise & Learn‘ breakfast event series brings you the latest research, insights and trends in learning from the Learnovate Centre in Trinity College Dublin. Funded by Enterprise Ireland, the team at Learnovate are learning practitioners, technology researchers and user-experience experts who help companies with organisational learning and technology-enhanced learning. Our community gathers together learning & development managers, learning designers, educators, entrepreneurs, policymakers and researchers working across corporate learning, schools, higher-education and non-formal learning.

Learnovate Membership

This event is free for members –– contact for your promotional code. To join our professional network and stay up to date with the latest research on learning technology, become a member: Join now

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