Athanasios Staikopoulos
Research Fellow, Technology Lead
Athanasios (Thanos) Staikopoulos is a Research Fellow at School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin (TCD) since 2008. He holds a BSc(Hons), Advanced MSc and a PhD in computer science from University of Birmingham UK. Thanos has over 15 years of research and industry experience in adaptive and personalised systems, specifically in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), Service Oriented Computing and Model-driven Engineering. As part of his research Thanos has designed many innovative systems, including AMASE (the Adaptive Media and Service Engine). In particular, AMASE is a highly adaptive framework that incorporates advanced monitoring and analytic mechanisms to analyse the behaviour and interactions of students with their learning environment and accordingly provide personalised learning paths and feedback that are tailored to their learning needs. Thanos has also a background on user modelling, learning analytics, knowledge engineering, business processes, semantic web and machine learning. Thanos has co-authored over 30 scientific publications, including journals, conference papers and book sections and he has organised and participated in many international conferences and events. Finally, Thanos has worked for the ADAPT (theme: “Personalising the User Experience”), CNGL, KDEG and DSG research centres.