Stella Collins
Chief Learning Officer and Co-founder at Stellar Labs
Known as the “Brain Lady”, Stella Collins is co-founder and Chief Learning Officer at Stellar Labs and an evangelist for effective learning led by people and fuelled by neuroscience.
She and her team build performance focused solutions, including innovative learning technology, by blending science, data and technology to deliver results and ROI. With more than 40 years of experience working in and with the STEM sector she brings both practical experience and evidence-based research together to drive performance.
Stella has trained thousands of professionals in brain friendly principles. She is the author of Kogan Page’s sell-out book ‘Neuroscience for Learning and Development’ and her Linkedin Learning course has been followed by more than 30,000 people.
She has a BSc in Psychology, an MSc in Human Communication, is a Fellow of the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning, founder of the Brain Friendly Learning Group and one of the Brain Ladies.
Stella says ‘There’s no such thing as boring topics – just boring training’.