Dr. Bilal Ahmad
Technology Lead, Learnovate
Corporate Learning Session Host – Workshop
Bilal is a Postdoctoral Researcher / Technology Lead for Software Solutions in Edtech at the Learnovate Centre at Trinity College Dublin. His key areas of research are at the intersection of Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction i.e., Edtech, Smart Ageing, UX Research and Global Software Development, augmented with development of software.
He has many years of experience in researching the needs of a diverse set of stakeholders and translating these into software applications (web and mobile).
He holds a PhD in Software Engineering from Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre based at the University of Limerick. During his PhD, he was engaged in research, development and evaluation of a social volunteering network application for older adults with IBM Ireland.
Most recently, he completed a half year long Pre-commercialisation program with NDRC Dublin, whilst working as part of a multi-disciplinary team of postdoctoral researchers. He also holds a BSc and MSc in Computer Science and loves to devote his weekends towards entrepreneurial activities such as hackathons, startup and launchpad events.