Link & Learn webinar: A Focus on Learner Engagement & Motivation
News, UncategorizedIn this session we will look at some of the key research completed by the Learnovate team and discuss some of the potential solutions to address the issues. We will also examine the potential effect the latest developments in AI might have on learner engagement as well as motivation. We want you, the audience to share your own theories and predictions in this space and help drive the conversation.

New Learning Signals Survey Launched
News, UncategorizedLearnovate are delighted to launch a new survey 'Learning Signals'. The new annual survey will track the latest practices in K12, corporate and informal learning.

Link & Learn webinar: A Focus on Skills
News, Uncategorized2023 is the ‘European Year of Skills’. As skills are high on Learnovate’s research agenda, we are taking this opportunity to delve into this very topical issue for organisations at all levels. We are going to take a look at what is needed, what is being done and how we can find out more about the solutions to future-proof organisations.

Unique national skills platform will help close Ireland’s digital skills gap
News, UncategorizedA unique national skills platform — which will be the first of its kind in Ireland — is being developed by a partnership of public and private organisations to help close Ireland’s digital skills gap.

Link & Learn webinar: Innovation in L&D Systems
News, UncategorizedWe are delighted to kick off the 2023 series of Link & Learn webinars with a look into “Innovation in L&D Systems”. Senior Corporate Learning Researcher in Learnovate Ilse White, share her thoughts on the research about the latest developments, biggest challenges and opportunities of leveraging technology across business, education and public service. In addition she will highlight some best practice around understanding your organisation's infrastructure and policies around bringing in (new) technology. The panel discussion will be chaired by the Head of Product Innovation at Learning Pool, Lindsey Coode, who has a huge amount of experience in this space and will delve further into the subject with a panel of experts.