Debbie Rennick
ACT Venture Capital
Abdul Chohan is a teacher of 17 years and is the Founder and Director of Development for the The Olive Tree Education Trust in Bolton, UK. He was the former Principal and CEO of the Essa Foundation Academies Trust based in the UK. He is known for his pioneering work on mobile based learning at Essa Academy, Bolton, UK. Since then he has worked with a number of international educational organisations as well as devising learning strategies based on mobile technology platforms.
In addition to this he is also the Director of ThinkSimple Ltd which is a thought leadership organisation that provides support to schools and Ministries of Education, in terms of Vision and implementation.
His programmes focus on the idea of ‘Changing Belief” through ‘Simplicty and Reliability’ and have extended beyond the traditional school environment to impact families and the the wider communities that the schools serve.